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Gas Heaven

Gas Heaven
Realm:Autohaven Wreckers
Offering:Azarov's Key Azarov's Key
Patch Added:1.4.1
Associated Chapter:None
Statistics Since 7.6.0*
Play Rate:1.54%
Offering Usage Rate:0.35%
Kill Rate:52.26%
0 KillsKill Distribution4 Kills
Descriptions & Patch Notes
For decades, Azarov's Gas Heaven offered the last chance for travellers to rest and fuel up before the long, hard haul through the backcountry. Wiser travellers learned to decline that offer. The phones never worked and people had a peculiar habit of going missing. When the highway came through, bypassing Gas Heaven entirely, business dried up and the gas station was abandoned. No one quite knows how many bodies are stashed out there, or what else is hidden in the ruins of the old rest stop.
Play & Offering Rate by PatchMatches
Kill Rate by PatchMatches
Stats update daily at around 4pm UTC. Last updated 19 Apr 24, 16:00
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