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Treatment Theatre

Treatment Theatre
Realm:Lery's Memorial Institute
Offering:Shattered Glasses Shattered Glasses
Patch Added:1.5.1
Associated Chapter:Spark of Madness
Statistics Since 7.6.0*
Play Rate:2.6%
Offering Usage Rate:0.54%
Kill Rate:60.47%
0 KillsKill Distribution4 Kills
Descriptions & Patch Notes
A mansion from the late 1800's - donated and transformed into a medical facility and later into a CIA black site specializing in cutting-edge interrogation techniques. The institute closing is shrouded in controversy and mystery. At the heart of the facility, the Doctor's tools have been arranged in a twisted ritual circle, ready for research, as he refines his methods on an endless stream of terrified patients.
Play & Offering Rate by PatchMatches
Kill Rate by PatchMatches
Stats update daily at around 4pm UTC. Last updated 18 Apr 24, 16:00
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