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Perk Usage Stats and Info

Call of Brine

Call of Brine
Call of Brine
The OnryōOnryō
Patch Added:5.6.0
StatisticsLast 14 days
Usage Rank:47
Usage Rate:(Average) 2.1%
Unique Builds Seen:366
Shrine Appearances2
DatePriceOwned (?)
07 Nov 232000100000
10 Jul 231500100000
Usage By CharacterLast 14 days
The Onryō
24.21%18.42% of Total Uses
The Nightmare
4.56%2.63% of Total Uses
The Skull Merchant
3.69%3.59% of Total Uses
The Executioner
3.4%3.59% of Total Uses
The Nemesis
3.11%4.31% of Total Uses
The Demogorgon
2.86%2.87% of Total Uses
The Singularity
2.57%1.67% of Total Uses
The Wraith
2.29%4.07% of Total Uses
The Knight
2.26%2.39% of Total Uses
The Unknown
2.24%5.5% of Total Uses
The Doctor
2.19%2.87% of Total Uses
The Xenomorph
2.08%2.15% of Total Uses
The Oni
2.02%2.39% of Total Uses
The Good Guy
1.99%3.59% of Total Uses
The Cenobite
1.97%1.44% of Total Uses
The Ghost Face
1.88%2.87% of Total Uses
The Dredge
1.88%1.2% of Total Uses
The Cannibal
1.78%1.91% of Total Uses
The Deathslinger
1.74%2.63% of Total Uses
The Nurse
1.72%2.63% of Total Uses
The Shape
1.62%2.87% of Total Uses
The Plague
1.57%1.67% of Total Uses
The Legion
1.45%2.87% of Total Uses
The Twins
1.44%0.72% of Total Uses
The Trickster
1.41%1.44% of Total Uses
The Trapper
1.33%2.15% of Total Uses
The Clown
1.33%1.67% of Total Uses
The Spirit
1.31%1.67% of Total Uses
The Pig
1.26%1.2% of Total Uses
The Blight
1.21%2.39% of Total Uses
The Mastermind
1.17%3.35% of Total Uses
The Huntress
0.82%2.87% of Total Uses
The Artist
0.81%0.48% of Total Uses
The Hillbilly
0.64%1.67% of Total Uses
The Hag
0.59%0.24% of Total Uses
Descriptions & Patch Notes

Your psychic abilities influence technology in devastating ways.

After damaging a generator this perk becomes active for 60 seconds.

The generator regresses at 115/120/125% of the normal regression speed and you can see its aura in yellow.

Each time a Survivor completes a good Skill Check on a generator affected by this perk, you receive a loud noise notification.


  • Nerf Reduced the regression speed to 115/120/125% (was 150/175/200%)

Your psychic abilities influence technology in devastating ways.

After damaging a generator this perk becomes active for 60 seconds.

The generator regresses at 150/175/200% of the normal regression speed and you can see its aura in yellow.

Each time a Survivor completes a good Skill Check on a generator affected by this perk, you receive a loud noise notification.

Usage Rate by Patch
Escape Rate by Patch
Most Common BuildsLast 14 days
#BuildUsage RateKill Rate
Scourge Hook: Floods of RageCall of BrineMerciless Storm2.17%947.1%8/17
Pop Goes the WeaselLethal PursuerCall of BrineNowhere to Hide1.45%684.6%11/13
Pop Goes the WeaselScourge Hook: Pain ResonanceCall of BrineNowhere to Hide1.21%544.4%4/9
Pop Goes the WeaselEruptionCall of BrineNowhere to Hide0.97%445.5%5/11
BamboozlePop Goes the WeaselCall of BrineUnforeseen0.72%380%4/5
Barbecue & ChiliLethal PursuerCall of BrineNowhere to Hide0.72%316.7%1/6
Bitter MurmurScourge Hook: Floods of RageCall of BrineMerciless Storm0.48%220%1/5
Franklin's DemiseTrail of TormentCall of BrineUnforeseen0.48%2NaN%0/0
Scourge Hook: Floods of RageCall of BrineMerciless StormFriends ‘Til the End0.48%2100%6/6
Lethal PursuerDeadlockCall of BrineNowhere to Hide0.48%266.7%2/3
All 10 rows shown
Stats update daily at around 4pm UTC. Last updated 22 Apr 24, 16:00
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