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Perk Usage Stats and Info


Character:Base Perk
Patch Added:1.0.0
StatisticsLast 14 days
Usage Rank:57
Usage Rate:(Low) 1.58%
Unique Builds Seen:261
Shrine Appearances0
DatePriceOwned (?)
This is a base perk which is unlocked by default and doesn't appear on the Shrine.
Usage By CharacterLast 14 days
The Doctor
17.05%29.72% of Total Uses
The Trapper
2.92%6.5% of Total Uses
The Legion
2.56%6.81% of Total Uses
The Mastermind
2.42%8.98% of Total Uses
The Wraith
2.01%4.95% of Total Uses
The Cenobite
1.57%1.55% of Total Uses
The Clown
1.49%2.48% of Total Uses
The Blight
1.25%3.41% of Total Uses
The Spirit
1.25%2.17% of Total Uses
The Pig
1.24%1.55% of Total Uses
The Hag
1.18%0.62% of Total Uses
The Xenomorph
1.15%1.55% of Total Uses
The Plague
1.13%1.55% of Total Uses
The Huntress
1.09%5.26% of Total Uses
The Shape
1.08%2.48% of Total Uses
The Hillbilly
1.04%3.41% of Total Uses
The Oni
1.02%1.55% of Total Uses
The Artist
1.01%1.24% of Total Uses
The Deathslinger
0.96%1.86% of Total Uses
The Trickster
0.94%1.24% of Total Uses
The Ghost Face
0.9%1.86% of Total Uses
The Cannibal
0.89%1.24% of Total Uses
The Nurse
0.77%1.55% of Total Uses
The Unknown
0.59%1.86% of Total Uses
The Good Guy
0.52%1.24% of Total Uses
The Demogorgon
0.48%0.62% of Total Uses
The Knight
0.44%0.62% of Total Uses
The Nightmare
0.4%0.31% of Total Uses
The Nemesis
0.36%0.62% of Total Uses
The Singularity
0.35%0.31% of Total Uses
The Onryō
0.32%0.31% of Total Uses
The Skull Merchant
0.24%0.31% of Total Uses
The Executioner
0.22%0.31% of Total Uses
The Twins
0%0% of Total Uses
The Dredge
0%0% of Total Uses
Descriptions & Patch Notes

Your horrifying emanation strikes at a supernaturally long distance.

Your Terror Radius is increased by 22/24/26%. Gain 100% more Bloodpoints for actions in the Deviousness category.

"Bask in their fear."


  • Buff Increased tiers I and II to also give 100% bonus bloodpoints

Your horrifying emanation strikes at a supernaturally long distance. Your terror radius is increased by 22/24/26%. Gain 50/75/100% more Bloodpoints for actions in the Deviousness category.

"Bask in their fear."


  • Buff Increased terror radius increase to 22/24/26%
  • Buff Increased bonus bloodpoint gain to 50/75/100%

Your horrifying emanation strikes at a supernaturally long distance. Your terror radius is increased by 8/16/24%. Gain 5/10/15% more Bloodpoints for actions in the Deviousness category.

"Bask in their fear."

Usage Rate by Patch
Escape Rate by Patch
Most Common BuildsLast 14 days
#BuildUsage RateKill Rate
DistressingSloppy ButcherUnnerving PresenceCoulrophobia3.74%1258.6%17/29
DistressingUnnerving PresenceOverchargeHex: Huntress Lullaby1.87%684.6%11/13
DistressingCorrupt InterventionDeadlockMerciless Storm1.25%40%0/11
DistressingSloppy ButcherUnnerving PresenceHex: Huntress Lullaby0.93%3100%5/5
DistressingSloppy ButcherA Nurse's CallingCoulrophobia0.93%350%3/6
DistressingSloppy ButcherCoulrophobiaPop Goes the Weasel0.93%350%4/8
DistressingHex: Thrill of the HuntBrutal StrengthBeast of Prey0.93%350%2/4
DistressingHex: Thrill of the HuntLightbornBeast of Prey0.93%328.6%2/7
DistressingHex: Thrill of the HuntBeast of PreySurge0.93%333.3%1/3
DistressingAgitationBrutal StrengthUnnerving Presence0.93%333.3%2/6
All 10 rows shown
Stats update daily at around 4pm UTC. Last updated 24 Apr 24, 16:00
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