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Perk Usage Stats and Info



Dominance is a unique perk belonging to Dark Lord. It was added to the game on 27 August 2024 in patch 8.2.0 as part of the Castlevania Chapter.

In the last 14 days, 1.92% of Killers have had it equipped making it the 53rd most used Killer perk in that time. Scroll down for more stats.
Descriptions & Patch Notes

The power you wield over the land strikes terror in the hearts of all who cross your path.

The first time each totem and each chest is interacted with by a Survivor, that totem or chest is blocked by the Entity for 4/6/8 seconds.

The auras of blocked totems and chests are revealed to you in white.

"Tragic, is it not? How powerless you must feel." - Dracula

Usage Rate by PatchPatches*
Kill Rate by Patch Patches*
Most Common BuildsSince 8.2.0*
#BuildUsage RateKill Rate
Hex: Wretched FateHuman GreedDominance45.99%18951.2%221/432
Hex: Devour HopeHex: UndyingHex: PentimentoDominance2.19%945.8%11/24
Hex: RuinHex: PlaythingHex: PentimentoDominance1.7%768.8%11/16
Hex: PlaythingHex: PentimentoHex: Wretched FateDominance1.7%755.6%10/18
Hex: RuinScourge Hook: Pain ResonanceHex: Wretched FateDominance1.22%510%1/10
Hex: Devour HopeHex: PlaythingHex: PentimentoDominance0.97%475%9/12
Hex: RuinHex: PentimentoHex: Wretched FateDominance0.73%3100%3/3
Hex: Thrill of the HuntHex: Devour HopeHex: UndyingDominance0.73%325%2/8
Blood WardenHex: Wretched FateHuman GreedDominance0.73%311.1%1/9
DeerstalkerHex: Wretched FateHuman GreedDominance0.73%366.7%4/6
All 10 rows shown
Stats update daily at around 4pm UTC. Last updated
The Dark LordDark Lord
Date Added:27 August 2024
Patch Added:8.2.0
StatisticsLast 14 days
Usage Rank:53
Usage Rate:(Average) 1.92%
Unique Builds Seen:172
Shrine Appearances0
DatePriceOwned (?)
This perk hasn't yet appeared on the Shrine
Usage By CharacterSince 8.2.0*
The Dark Lord
16.84%90.49% of Total Uses
The Artist
1.23%0.49% of Total Uses
The Pig
1.01%0.49% of Total Uses
The Singularity
0.89%0.49% of Total Uses
The Twins
0.81%0.24% of Total Uses
The Spirit
0.79%0.73% of Total Uses
The Cannibal
0.75%0.49% of Total Uses
The Good Guy
0.72%0.98% of Total Uses
The Trapper
0.68%0.49% of Total Uses
The Unknown
0.68%0.49% of Total Uses
The Xenomorph
0.68%0.49% of Total Uses
The Deathslinger
0.65%0.49% of Total Uses
The Cenobite
0.64%0.24% of Total Uses
The Blight
0.49%0.49% of Total Uses
The Ghost Face
0.46%0.49% of Total Uses
The Hillbilly
0.45%0.49% of Total Uses
The Executioner
0.41%0.24% of Total Uses
The Lich
0.34%0.24% of Total Uses
The Trickster
0.33%0.24% of Total Uses
The Nemesis
0.31%0.49% of Total Uses
The Wraith
0.27%0.24% of Total Uses
The Shape
0.22%0.24% of Total Uses
The Mastermind
0.2%0.24% of Total Uses
The Nurse
0%0% of Total Uses
The Hag
0%0% of Total Uses
The Doctor
0%0% of Total Uses
The Huntress
0%0% of Total Uses
The Nightmare
0%0% of Total Uses
The Clown
0%0% of Total Uses
The Legion
0%0% of Total Uses
The Plague
0%0% of Total Uses
The Demogorgon
0%0% of Total Uses
The Oni
0%0% of Total Uses
The Onryō
0%0% of Total Uses
The Dredge
0%0% of Total Uses
The Knight
0%0% of Total Uses
The Skull Merchant
0%0% of Total Uses
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