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Map Stats and Info

Torment Creek

Torment Creek
Realm:Coldwind Farm
Offering:Heart Locket Heart Locket
Patch Added:1.0.0
Associated Chapter:None
Statistics Since 7.6.0*
Play Rate:1.21%
Offering Usage Rate:0.23%
Kill Rate:53.77%
0 KillsKill Distribution4 Kills
Descriptions & Patch Notes
The Silo is one of the oldest remaining buildings that made up Coldwind Farm. The great storm of 2003 brought the ancient structure crashing down. It was weeks later that searchers discovered twelve bodies were buried in the ruins. Their crushed corpses were buried deep in the slurry that oozed out from the base and made identification almost impossible.
Play & Offering Rate by PatchMatches
Kill Rate by PatchMatches
Stats update daily at around 4pm UTC. Last updated 28 Apr 24, 16:00
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