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The LichBeta

The Lich
The Lich was added on 3 June 2024 as part of the Dungeons & Dragons DLC alongside Aestri Yazar. They are a licensed character.
Few dare speak The Lich's true name, for fear that he may hear... or worse.

His personal perks, Weave Attunement, Languid Touch, and Dark Arrogance allow him to exploit used items, exhaust those who disturb the crows, and increase vault speed.

The Whispered One. Lord of the Rotted Tower. The Master of Secrets. Few dare speak his true name, for fear that he may hear—or worse. Even as a young wizard, Vecna’s command of magic was matched by none. While others spent decades committing to and perfecting one school of magic, he effortlessly mastered each one of them. After his mother’s execution for witchcraft, his focus became obsession as he pored the most of his study into the darkest school of magic—necromancy, the magic of life and death. As his power grew, so did his ambition. Over the centuries, he shed his mortal shell and ascended to lichdom. His power gave rise to a great empire, ruled over from his Rotted Tower. His thirst for dark knowledge to fill his Book of Vile Darkness led him to many realms and planes. But it was in his own realm one of his servants found something—a spell, perhaps, torn from an ancient tome—written in a language he had never seen. From it he could sense an incredible dark energy. Without any document of the language, he had to spend months painstakingly analyzing its syntax, its phonetics, its form. He documented every stroke of every letter, scrutinizing and theorizing on their meanings, in a massive book hidden in his chambers. When his lieutenants came to him with problems in their domain, Vecna told them to deal with it themselves. He had more important matters to attend to. Countless nights were spent memorizing the strange script, attempting to make it make sense. Only occasionally would he leave his keep to investigate rumors of people who had disappeared without a trace in the night. At these scenes, he could sense the same foreign magic that emanated from the torn page. He was convinced that whatever was killing these people had also written this strange script. He was confounded, which made him furious. The scenes, few and far between, had no pattern, no common motive. No sign of struggle, no body, and only a lingering hum of dark energy. To what end did they need these bodies? One dark night, he had a breakthrough: a word he had been interpreting as “dying” made more sense as “disappearing.” Perhaps these people were not being killed at all: perhaps they were being taken alive. He applied this substitution through his notes and everything seemed to fall into place. He copied what he had learned to a fresh piece of parchment, written phonetically. He began to speak the words aloud and the room darkened. It filled with a creeping black fog. He felt himself displacing, going somewhere else. Vecna resisted, incanting memorized spells, holding the fog at bay. But as he gazed into the darkness, he felt that alluring energy from it; a despair, an evil he could scarcely imagine. A sick curiosity overcoming him, he dropped his concentration, and let the fog take him. Whatever it was, wherever it was, he understood that the only way to harness it was to submit to it. He knew, in his cold, unbeating heart, that its dark secrets would one day be his.
Pick Rate By Patch
Kill Rate By Patch
Most Used PerksSince 8.2.0*
#PerkUsage RateKill Rate
Weave AttunementWeave Attunement31.19%63.36%
Scourge Hook: Pain ResonanceScourge Hook: Pain Resonance29.9%61%
Franklin's DemiseFranklin's Demise20.1%69.51%
Pop Goes the WeaselPop Goes the Weasel16.75%59.24%
Grim EmbraceGrim Embrace14.18%68%
Rapid BrutalityRapid Brutality13.14%75.81%
Lethal PursuerLethal Pursuer12.63%62.63%
Corrupt InterventionCorrupt Intervention12.37%67.71%
Nowhere to HideNowhere to Hide12.37%73.04%
Barbecue & ChiliBarbecue & Chili12.11%61.46%
Languid TouchLanguid Touch9.28%46.75%
No Way OutNo Way Out9.02%64.1%
Hex: Devour HopeHex: Devour Hope6.44%68.42%
Hex: PlaythingHex: Plaything6.44%45.28%
Friends ‘Til the EndFriends ‘Til the End6.44%61.82%
Hex: RuinHex: Ruin5.93%58.18%
Dark ArroganceDark Arrogance5.93%43.48%
Hex: No One Escapes DeathHex: No One Escapes Death5.93%56%
Hex: UndyingHex: Undying4.64%65%
Sloppy ButcherSloppy Butcher4.38%52.27%
Iron GraspIron Grasp3.87%56%
Save the Best for LastSave the Best for Last3.35%55.56%
Dead Man's SwitchDead Man's Switch3.35%35.71%
Coup de GrâceCoup de Grâce3.09%65.52%
Trail of TormentTrail of Torment3.09%62.07%
Hex: PentimentoHex: Pentimento2.58%57.89%
Brutal StrengthBrutal Strength2.32%63.64%
Scourge Hook: Gift of PainScourge Hook: Gift of Pain2.06%66.67%
Human GreedHuman Greed2.06%47.37%
Merciless StormMerciless Storm1.8%66.67%
A Nurse's CallingA Nurse's Calling1.8%72.22%
Thrilling TremorsThrilling Tremors1.8%50%
Hex: Blood FavorHex: Blood Favor1.55%50%
Most Used BuildsSince 8.2.0*
#BuildUsage RateKill Rate
NoneWeave AttunementLanguid TouchDark Arrogance3.61%54.84%17/31
Franklin's DemiseSurgeRapid BrutalityWeave Attunement2.58%66.67%18/27
Barbecue & ChiliSurgeGrim EmbraceRapid Brutality1.29%100%14/14
Franklin's DemiseGrim EmbraceScourge Hook: Pain ResonanceWeave Attunement1.03%100%2/2
Franklin's DemiseCorrupt InterventionDeadlockWeave Attunement1.03%62.5%5/8
Corrupt InterventionSurgeGrim EmbraceScourge Hook: Pain Resonance0.77%71.43%5/7
NoneNoneNoneWeave Attunement0.52%60%3/5
Hex: No One Escapes DeathFranklin's DemiseNowhere to HideWeave Attunement0.52%100%2/2
Hex: No One Escapes DeathFranklin's DemiseFriends ‘Til the EndWeave Attunement0.52%25%1/4
Iron GraspSurgeDead Man's SwitchLethal Pursuer0.52%0%0/4
Sloppy ButcherSurgeGrim EmbraceScourge Hook: Pain Resonance0.52%0%0/4
LightbornRancorNemesisForced Penance0.52%100%2/2
ThanatophobiaOverchargeLethal PursuerScourge Hook: Floods of Rage0.52%66.67%4/6
Hex: Devour HopeHex: RuinHex: PlaythingHex: Pentimento0.52%40%2/5
Hex: RuinFranklin's DemiseHex: UndyingWeave Attunement0.52%100%6/6
Barbecue & ChiliCorrupt InterventionDeadlockWeave Attunement0.52%0%0/2
Barbecue & ChiliLethal PursuerGrim EmbraceScourge Hook: Pain Resonance0.52%25%1/4
Franklin's DemiseHoarderWeave AttunementHuman Greed0.52%0%0/4
Franklin's DemiseLethal PursuerNowhere to HideWeave Attunement0.52%66.67%4/6
All 20 rows shown
Stats update daily at around 4pm UTC. Last updated
The Lich
DLC:Dungeons & Dragons
Date Added:3 June 2024
Patch Added:8.0.0
StatisticsLast 14 days
Pick Rate:2.33%
Kill Rate:62.67%
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