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Perk Usage Stats and Info


Previously known as Jolt

The DemogorgonDemogorgon
Patch Added:3.2.0
StatisticsLast 14 days
Usage Rank:8
Usage Rate:(Very High) 11.71%
Unique Builds Seen:1920
Shrine Appearances3
DatePriceOwned (?)
16 Apr 242000100000
21 Apr 212000150000
03 Mar 212000150000
Usage By CharacterLast 14 days
The Singularity
32.89%3.85% of Total Uses
The Ghost Face
26.07%6.91% of Total Uses
The Deathslinger
24.89%6.52% of Total Uses
The Skull Merchant
21.48%3.65% of Total Uses
The Legion
21.4%7.42% of Total Uses
The Demogorgon
20.29%3.34% of Total Uses
The Spirit
19.93%4.48% of Total Uses
The Cenobite
18.99%2.67% of Total Uses
The Dredge
18.82%2% of Total Uses
The Onryō
17.58%2.28% of Total Uses
The Wraith
17.39%5.85% of Total Uses
The Doctor
16.97%3.97% of Total Uses
The Clown
15.63%3.46% of Total Uses
The Knight
15.6%3.06% of Total Uses
The Trapper
14.98%4.71% of Total Uses
The Pig
13.32%2.08% of Total Uses
The Shape
13.16%3.93% of Total Uses
The Hag
12.64%0.9% of Total Uses
The Executioner
12.5%2.36% of Total Uses
The Plague
11.43%2.16% of Total Uses
The Nightmare
10.16%1.02% of Total Uses
The Nemesis
8.78%2.12% of Total Uses
The Mastermind
7.17%3.5% of Total Uses
The Xenomorph
7%1.26% of Total Uses
The Good Guy
6.81%2.12% of Total Uses
The Unknown
6.41%2.4% of Total Uses
The Trickster
6.26%1.1% of Total Uses
The Oni
6.01%1.22% of Total Uses
The Artist
5.61%1.45% of Total Uses
The Twins
5.07%0.86% of Total Uses
The Cannibal
4.78%0.86% of Total Uses
The Huntress
4.41%2.99% of Total Uses
The Blight
3.96%1.41% of Total Uses
The Nurse
3.65%0.98% of Total Uses
The Hillbilly
2.67%1.1% of Total Uses
Descriptions & Patch Notes

Your eerie presence charges the air and interferes with technology.

Putting a Survivor into the dying state with a basic attack causes all generators within a 32-meter radius to explode instantly and begin regressing. Generators affected by Surge immediately lose 6/7/8% of their progress.

“The creature appears to have some unknown influence over electricity and nearby electronics.” -Hawkins National Laboratory


  • Note Reverted to the original name, "Surge" with the return of the Stranger Things chapter

Your eerie presence charges the air and interferes with technology.

Putting a Survivor into the dying state with a basic attack causes all generators within a 32-meter radius to explode instantly and begin regressing. Generators affected by Jolt immediately lose 6/7/8% of their progress.

“The creature appears to have some unknown influence over electricity and nearby electronics.” -Hawkins National Laboratory


  • Buff No longer has a cooldown

Your eerie presence charges the air and interferes with technology.

Putting a Survivor into the dying state with a basic attack causes all generators within a 32 meter radius instantly to explode and begin regressing. Generators affected by Jolt immediately lose 8% of their progress.

  • Jolt can only be triggered once every 60/50/40 seconds.

“The creature appears to have some unknown influence over electricity and nearby electronics.” -Hawkins National Laboratory


  • Note Renamed from "Surge" to "Jolt"

Your eerie presence charges the air and interferes with technology.

Putting a Survivor into the dying state with a basic attack causes all generators within a 32 meter radius instantly to explode and begin regressing. Generators affected by Surge immediately lose 8% of their progress.

  • Surge can only be triggered once every 60/50/40 seconds.

“The creature appears to have some unknown influence over electricity and nearby electronics.” -Hawkins National Laboratory

Usage Rate by Patch
Escape Rate by Patch
Most Common BuildsLast 14 days
#BuildUsage RateKill Rate
Barbecue & ChiliSurgeLethal PursuerScourge Hook: Pain Resonance0.87%2263%29/46
Save the Best for LastSurgeScourge Hook: Pain ResonanceRapid Brutality0.55%1475%18/24
BamboozlePop Goes the WeaselSurgeScourge Hook: Pain Resonance0.43%1152.2%12/23
Save the Best for LastCorrupt InterventionSurgeScourge Hook: Pain Resonance0.36%9100%13/13
Sloppy ButcherSurgeGrim EmbraceScourge Hook: Pain Resonance0.36%942.9%9/21
Pop Goes the WeaselCorrupt InterventionSurgeScourge Hook: Pain Resonance0.36%992.3%12/13
Pop Goes the WeaselSurgeLethal PursuerNowhere to Hide0.32%877.3%17/22
SurgeLethal PursuerGrim EmbraceScourge Hook: Pain Resonance0.32%868.8%11/16
BamboozlePop Goes the WeaselCorrupt InterventionSurge0.28%762.5%10/16
SurgeDead Man's SwitchLethal PursuerScourge Hook: Pain Resonance0.28%740%4/10
All 10 rows shown
Stats update daily at around 4pm UTC. Last updated 27 Apr 24, 16:00
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