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Perk Usage Stats and Info

Coup de Grâce

Coup de Grâce
Coup de Grâce
The TwinsTwins
Patch Added:4.4.0
StatisticsLast 14 days
Usage Rank:47
Usage Rate:(Average) 2.08%
Unique Builds Seen:362
Shrine Appearances5
DatePriceOwned (?)
01 Aug 232000100000
07 Dec 222000100000
14 Sept 222000150000
18 Jun 221500150000
11 May 222000150000
Usage By CharacterLast 14 days
The Twins
13.04%12.05% of Total Uses
The Singularity
6.17%4.24% of Total Uses
The Shape
5.31%8.93% of Total Uses
The Deathslinger
4.68%6.92% of Total Uses
The Clown
4.61%5.8% of Total Uses
The Dredge
4.46%2.68% of Total Uses
The Onryō
4.05%2.9% of Total Uses
The Nightmare
4.05%2.23% of Total Uses
The Cenobite
3.85%2.9% of Total Uses
The Hag
3.3%1.34% of Total Uses
The Skull Merchant
3.18%3.13% of Total Uses
The Ghost Face
3.12%4.69% of Total Uses
The Trapper
2.73%4.69% of Total Uses
The Cannibal
2.34%2.46% of Total Uses
The Legion
1.84%3.57% of Total Uses
The Mastermind
1.83%5.13% of Total Uses
The Spirit
1.78%2.23% of Total Uses
The Plague
1.72%1.79% of Total Uses
The Knight
1.66%1.79% of Total Uses
The Pig
1.51%1.34% of Total Uses
The Wraith
1.42%2.68% of Total Uses
The Demogorgon
1.42%1.34% of Total Uses
The Nemesis
1.33%1.79% of Total Uses
The Executioner
1.23%1.34% of Total Uses
The Oni
1.18%1.34% of Total Uses
The Trickster
1.15%1.12% of Total Uses
The Artist
1.04%1.34% of Total Uses
The Unknown
1%2.23% of Total Uses
The Doctor
0.83%1.12% of Total Uses
The Good Guy
0.76%1.34% of Total Uses
The Blight
0.54%1.12% of Total Uses
The Hillbilly
0.38%0.89% of Total Uses
The Huntress
0.3%1.12% of Total Uses
The Nurse
0.3%0.45% of Total Uses
The Xenomorph
0%0% of Total Uses
Descriptions & Patch Notes

As the end nears, you go in for the kill.

Each time a generator is completed, Coup de Grâce grows in power. Gain 2 tokens, with a maximum of 5 tokens maximum.

Consume one token to increase the distance of your next lunge attack by 70/75/80%.


  • Buff Now gains 2 tokens per generator completion but remains capped at 5

As the end nears, you go in for the kill.

Each time a generator is completed, Coup de Grâce grows in power. Gain a token.

Consume one token to increase the distance of your next lunge attack by 70/75/80%.


  • Buff Increased lunge distance modifier to 70/75/80% (was 40/50/60%)

As the end nears, you go in for the kill.

Each time a generator is completed, Coup de Grâce grows in power. Gain a token.

Consume one token to increase the distance of your next lunge attack by 40/50/60%.

Usage Rate by Patch
Escape Rate by Patch
Most Common BuildsLast 14 days
#BuildUsage RateKill Rate
HoarderOppressionCoup de Grâce2.48%1163.2%12/19
Sloppy ButcherSurgeCoup de GrâceScourge Hook: Pain Resonance1.58%775%12/16
Pop Goes the WeaselCorrupt InterventionCoup de GrâceScourge Hook: Pain Resonance1.13%554.5%6/11
BamboozlePop Goes the WeaselCoup de GrâceScourge Hook: Pain Resonance0.9%450%5/10
Corrupt InterventionSurgeCoup de GrâceDeadlock0.9%481.8%9/11
Brutal StrengthPop Goes the WeaselCorrupt InterventionCoup de Grâce0.68%375%3/4
Play With Your FoodSave the Best for LastCoup de GrâceRapid Brutality0.68%355.6%5/9
Corrupt InterventionSurgeCoup de GrâceScourge Hook: Pain Resonance0.68%30%0/2
Corrupt InterventionCoup de GrâceNo Way OutDeadlock0.68%3100%7/7
EnduringBamboozleSpirit FuryCoup de Grâce0.68%337.5%3/8
All 10 rows shown
Stats update daily at around 4pm UTC. Last updated 26 Apr 24, 16:00
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